DiscVET Aims and Intellectual Outputs Article

The DiscVET project aims to support VET teachers/trainers in Europe in becoming sovereign of their digital data and in enhancing their digital security skills through a new innovative form of training content along with an online simulation platform. It is supposed to enrich their portfolio with relevant training materials for teaching others on digital security topics. This will happen by creating four intellectual outputs:

  1. VET teachers/trainers Digital Sovereignty Competences Framework
  2. DiscVET online platform and training material on Digital Sovereignty Competences 
  3. Interactive digital sovereignty simulation exercises
  4. DiscVET Toolbox for VET teachers / trainers

   Now the start of the  working on the second IO was given. The second output will be the most practical one because it gives direct  access to a platform where teachers can check all the needed information.

   Based on the key skills and competences recognized and included in the VET teachers/trainers Digital Sovereignty Competences Framework, IO2 activities will focus on the development of an innovative training material aiming to enable VET teachers/trainers develop the necessary competences in order to increase the level of their digital sovereignty as well be able to train other people within their work. 

   The training material will provide VET teachers/trainers with a package of digital learning resources designed based on the concept of micro-learning: short and coherent learning nuggets delivered in multimedia formats aiming to promote blended learning methodologies. The digital learning nuggets will include a variety of resources such as interactive games, podcasts, e-learning videos, interactive case studies and infographic resources. 

   The platform will contain topics such as: introduction to EU digital privacy laws, Internet piracy, what is it and how to avoid it and many more. In order to ensure the training material’s transferability and sustainability, it will be made available through the DiscVET online platform. Both the training material and the platform will be available in English and in all partners’ national languages.


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