After many months of working on DISCVET, the project has come to a close. The project’s objective was to help empower VET educators in their digital skills, to enhance the way they teach, but also to help them navigate topics such as data protection, copyrighted material, managing information, and others.
The results of the project can be found on – we have created a self-paced course for VET educators to learn about:
- Managing, Protecting and Sharing Digital Resources
- Protecting Personal Data and Privacy
- Information Security Management
- Risk Management
- Information and Knowledge Management
To enrol for the course, you have to create an account, where all your progress will be stored.
Thank you to all the partners that made this possible: Innovation Hive, BUNDESVERBAND DER TRAGER BERUFLICHER BILDUNG EV, Petit Pas, Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Vernian RTI, BK Consult GbR.