Duration: 01/04/2023 – 01/08/2025 Aim of the project Adopting sustainable behavior is a key component to solving climate challenges, especially through collective action in youth communities. By encouraging young people to engage in agriculture in their cities and equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to sustainable development, the FOOD-4-THOUGHT project aims to position […]
You(th) Play
Duration: 01/09/22 – 29/02/24 Aim of the project: Through the use of the gamification method, the goal is to educate young people on the importance of being eco-friendly using a game called VIRTUAL PLANET. The aim of the project is to help entities such as NGOs or schools introduce ecological learning into their curriculum, […]
Duration: 1/11/2021 – 1/11/2023 Aims of the project: The AGE Project will address adult learners and will work on fostering sustainable entrepreneurship education by creating a specialised and learner-driven educational materials and resources, dedicated to development of competences for creating circular economy models, green start ups and digital enterprises for promoting social innovation and strengthen […]