
VSport: 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia

On May 31st and June 1st, 2023, the 2nd  Transnational Project Meeting on the project  Volunteering in sports in Action — VSport was held. We met our partners in the beautiful Novi Sad, Serbia where Association Sport for all Vojvodina welcomed us. We all together discussed the priorities of the project, the work done so far and, above all, the intellectual outputs that are set as an activity. We listened to different presentations, learned a lot from everyone and exchanged ideas and opportunities for the best realization of our joint work.

 The project and its results are extremely important to us as it deals with topics we strongly believe in and follow – promoting volunteering in sport and informal learning with it. At the end of the project, you will have access to three deliverables – a study on volunteering in sport conducted in 7 EU countries, a training module and a guide to improve the competences of volunteering managers in the field of sport and a website with an interactive platform.

We thank our partners for our valuable working meeting and for the wonderful experience in Serbia. Follow the information channels of Mundus Bulgaria and the project to be the first to learn about the current updates on the activities.


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