GREW: Second Transnational Meeting in Bari, Italy

During the meeting in Bari, it was highlighted that despite a delayed start of the project, the initiative is on track for completion before the official end date for the project which points to the productive and efficient work of the consortium. In the past period there are noteworthy achievements among which are the completion of the Training Format on ETS (Education through Sport) and the formulation of a robust dissemination plan. The final output, the Handbook, will encapsulate project outcomes and the centrepiece of the GREW project which are the Local Tournaments in every country of the consortium. Those events will be organised for the target group of ethnic minorities and will aim to use the Training Format to foster community building through ETS. 

The Local Tournaments will be followed by conferences, scheduled by each partner, and will showcase individual project results, disseminate the initiative for ETS and encourage social inclusion further. Before the beginning of summer 2024  GREW will wrap up in a final dissemination event in Poland.


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