Youth Play Multiplier Event

You(th) Play Multiplier Event by Mundus Bulgaria

In a delightful blend of fun and education, Mundus Bulgaria recently hosted a multiplier event for You(th) Play, an innovative project embracing game-based learning to instill mindfulness and eco-friendly habits. This vibrant gathering brought together twenty enthusiastic participants from six European countries, immersing them in the captivating board game version of “Virtual Planet.”

Exploring Sustainability Through Gameplay

The board game, adorned with 150 thought-provoking cards, delves into questions surrounding sustainability and the stewardship of our planet. With categories spanning from Tourism, Ecology and Ecosystems, Green Technologies, Low-waste and Individual/Collective Action, Plastic and Proper Waste Management, Responsible Consumption and Production, participants engaged in a chill question-and-answer game that not only heightened their environmental awareness but also spurred discussions on responsible choices.

A standout feature of the game lies in the inclusion of QR codes on each card. This technological touch allows players to swiftly validate the accuracy of their responses, instantly earning them well-deserved points. It’s not just a game; it’s a hands-on journey into understanding the intricacies of our impact on the environment.

Connecting Across Borders

Beyond the gameplay, the event served as a melting pot of diverse perspectives. Participants, coming from different corners of Europe, forged connections and shared insights on how small individual actions can collectively contribute to a greener, happier world. It wasn’t merely a learning experience; it was a collaborative effort towards a more sustainable future.

Continue the Eco-Adventure Online

For those eager to embark on their own eco-adventure, the excitement doesn’t end with the physical board game. The Virtual Planet experience extends online, inviting everyone to join in and play a part in the sustainability journey. 

Simply visit and let the eco-adventure continue in the digital realm. 


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