Final outputs of the EMPLOYME project

On September 5th 2024, we said goodbye to the EmployMe consortium during our final meeting in Larissa, Greece. The meeting allowed for a fruitful discussion about the last project output – the Youth Worker’s Toolkit. The Toolkit is a knowledge hub for Youth Workers working with migrants in the employment sector, where they can find tips and observations from the project on how to implement the final outputs.

The Toolkit will be available in all partners’ languages on the project website ( by the end of October 2024.


While the Toolkit for Youth Workers is made for that specific group, the rest of the outputs can be used directly by the end target group – young migrants looking to upgrade their soft skills.


The Employability Toolkit offers an introduction to 10 employability soft skills:

  1. Problem Solving
  2. Business Acumen
  3. Teamwork
  4. Organisation
  5. Negotiation and Persuasion
  6. Leadership
  7. Communication
  8. Confidence
  9. Time Management
  10. Perseverance and Motivation

By exploring the Employability Toolkit on the EMPLOYME website, users can gain knowledge on the most desirable soft skills for today’s labour market. Each module is made up of bite-sized lessons that are easy to understand and remember. At the end of each module, users can find a self-assessment quiz with the aim to enhance knowledge retention.


Another result of the EMPLOYME project is the Virtual Academy – users can access it through the EMPLOYME website, or by clicking the link here.

After registering, users can explore practical games and gamified exercises on each of the Employability Toolkit topics. On the Virtual Academy platform, users can put into practice what they learned! For example, how to write a motivational letter, or enhancing decision-making skills and business acumen by guiding a pirate ship to shore.

The last result is the Toolkit for Youth Workers, which will be available on the website soon. 

All resources are free and available in English, Bulgarian, Czech, Lithuanian, Greek, French, and Spanish.


In the last month of the project, the partnership is going to host multiplier events in their countries. Mundus Bulgaria is hosting an event on the 18th of October in Sofia. Check out our social media channels if you’d like to attend!


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