BestBonds Athens 2021

The week between 8th and 13th November, spent in the LTT “BestBonds” in Athens  was a huge intercultural experience for all of us. 16 participants from 4 countries- Bulgaria, Poland, Cyprus and Greece took part in a project for adult educators dedicated to the integration of migrants and refugees. The agenda of the project included a lot of important topics such as: concepts of migrants and refugees integration, working terms in the area, migrants rights, integration policy measures of the host society, labor market in the host society , education and training for  the migrants and refugees, civic orientation measures,  and cultural learning.  The learning process was developed by group activities with the intensive participation of every country. Simulations such as interviews between “refugees employees and host society employers”, debates, interactive games and workshops were only a small part of everything that our hosts- ANCE have prepared for us! Our hosts have organized 3 study visits for us, which made the project full and finished. First of the organizations we visited was Odyssea. Odyssea is a Greek non- profit organization with a mission to empower vulnerable groups of migrants in refugees in the area of vocational education. The second visit was in ELIX, which is a Greek NGO that provides non- formal education and homework support to refugees, migrant children and their parents. The main aim of ELIX is smooth integration into the formal education system through innovative educational methods. This study visit took place at Eleonas Refugee Camp where we met the Greek language and we had the chance to look over the situation from a different sight. The last study visit that we had was in ANKAA Project- Luxembourgish and Greek non-profit organisation which stands for equitable pathways towards education and employment. The whole project created an amazing team that gathered a lot of new and useful knowledge, combined with intercultural exchange! Because when we are together our Bonds are the Best!

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