Latest news from the DiscVET TPM in Sofia

The TPM for project “Digital Sovereignty Competences of VET teachers and trainers”- (DiscVET), financed under the number: 2020 – 1 – DE02 – KA226 – VET – 008261 was held in Sofia, Bulgaria 15 – 17 November 2021.

All partners from Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Cyprus and Slovenia took part in the event. The discussed topics were regarding the Intellectual Outputs that were planned in the project. 

The DiscVET project aims to support VET teachers/trainers in Europe in becoming sovereign of their digital data and in enhancing their digital security skills through a new innovative form of training content along with an online simulation platform. It is supposed to enrich their portofolio with relevant training materials for teaching others on digital security topics. 

The partners discussed the key components of competences needed by VET teachers/trainers to effectively integrate digital sovereignty and security protocols, that were researched prior to the meeting. They also planned the development of all the activities and outputs, which were described in the project.

Next meeting for the project is planned for June 2022 Trani, Puglia, Italy.


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