The mid term meeting for project BestBonds – extending the competences of adult educators, financed under the number: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081837 was held in Sofia, Bulgaria Jan 2022.
All partners from Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia and Cyprus took part in the event. The discussed topics were regarding the project management and evaluation of the progress made so far and the forthcoming planned activities in the project.
The BestBonds project is focused on both trainers and learners, encouraging their activity to conduct a smooth learning process, following the example of European good practises. The partners are creating an online learning space for both teachers and learners; providing a set of guidelines, intellectually and methodologically valid in accordance with the needs of teachers and students and building a network of good practices.
During the meeting the partners made a local visit at NAtional Association of ressource teachers. The Association is managing a center for children with disabilities, so partners were introduced to the work of the specialists of the center and could see some of the activities which the center is running. Possibilities for further collaborations were also discussed.