Starting our new project – AGE – Alliance for Green Entrepreneurship

The first live meetings under the project “ ALLIANCE FOR GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIPt” was held mid of January 2022. The project is financed under the Erasmus+ Key action 2- Cooperation partnership in adult education with project number: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000035300. The meeting took place in Sofia and was attended by representatives from all participating countries – Bulgaria, Denmark, Poland, Romania, the Netherlands and Greece.

The AGE Project will address adult learners and will work on fostering sustainable entrepreneurship education by creating a specialised and learner-driven educational materials and resources, dedicated to development of competences for creating circular economy models, green start ups and digital enterprises for promoting social innovation.

During the meeting, the coordination team of Mundus Bulgaria welcomed those present and opened the discussion on the upcoming phases of project implementation. The activities and responsibilities are distributed among the organizations and each of them is aware of its responsibilities. There were no remarks on the pre-agreed plan and the activities are to start as planned. The project is with 24 months duration (1.11.2021-1.11.2023)

Regarding the safety of the participants, all security measures were taken, given the Covid-19 pandemic.


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