Results from the first research phase of FAMS

The initial research phase of the FAMS project was completed during the second week of November, 2022. Mundus carried out an important field research into the Bulgarian sport federations and sport clubs to find out the conditions and opportunities for professional growth of women into coaching, sport management and sport governance.

Each partner was responsible for producing research into the best practices for encouraging opportunities for women in sport and we found out that many consist of:

  •         Programmes for encouraging sport among young girls.
  •         Programmes for developing leadership skills and management skills in sport organisations.

Such initiatives highlight the general importance of sport when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, countering recent trends of increased obesity levels and the in the same time helping to develop communication and collaboration skills.

On the other hand, research into best practices show that there are a variety of ways to encourage sport among girls and young women and prevent from dropping out. A consistent stimulus for sport and personal development among girls helps to close the gap between men and women and contributes to the development of professional women athletes and leaders in sport.

The results of all national reports produced by the partners will be consolidated in one international report that will serve as the basis for creating an educational programme for potential female leaders in sport. In this way FAMS will contribute to best European practices by providing important learning resources and a network of contacts supporting women’s professional development in sport. 


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