YEG: Transnational Partnership Meeting in Sassari, Italy

On 5th and 6th of April, a Transnational Partnership Meeting was held with the partner organizations for the project “Young Entrepreneurs Guild” in Sassari, Italy. The meeting started with a round of presentations of all the participants and introduction from MVNGO about their work and the beautiful town of Sassari.

At the meeting we discussed some of the best practices on the subject that have been established in Greece and Romania and the last steps to finalize the final report. It will be ready by the end of the month, and its results will be shared with everyone as soon as possible.

The meeting was extremely interesting for all of the partner organizations and everyone had the opportunity to present their work up to that point. We thank all participants for the wonderful working atmosphere and we continue to discover new horizons together.

For more information and latest news on the project, follow our social networks and sources covering the project.


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