We are nearing the end of our Sport&NFE project. We are proud to present the finished platform- https://sportandnfe.eu/. The platform serves as an educational resource on how non-formal education is connected to sport. Browsing through, you can find information about the project itself, but also all the results we managed to create with our international partners. The aim of the project is to provide an opportunity to sports teachers and trainers to develop their competences on the role of non-formal education in sport, and how they can use that to their advantage.
To get introduced to the concept, we made a short self-learning course that explains the differences between various types of education, especially related to the field of sport. In the course, you will also find case studies and best practices to further visualise how these tools can be used.
Browsing through Project Results, you can also find videos and interviews with youth leaders and trainers that share their experience with non-formal education in sport, further giving you the context that you need.
On top of that, we have created a handbook that compiles all necessary information on Education through Sport, complete with a toolbox full of exercises to try.
On May 12th 2023, Mundus Bulgaria is organising an international conference to mark the end of the project. The event will take place in the House of Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference will be led by competent leaders and trainers in the fields of sport, and European opportunities, as the conference is divided into two parts: the concept of non-formal education and ETS methodology, and Erasmus+ opportunities for education and sport. You can find out more on our Facebook (Association Mundus Bulgaria) and Instagram page (@mundusbulgaria), where we post updates about the event.