At the end of June, we will be saying goodbye to the Sport & NFE project. After many months of hard work, we are very proud of the project’s results.
Sport & NFE is a project aimed to empower sports educators in non-formal education, especially in Education through Sport.
The project’s objective is to show that sport can be a valuable educational tool. With the use of sport, we can teach about life skills such as teamwork, collaboration, healthy competition, persistence, and many more.
On the website of the project, you can find everything we produced throughout the project’s lifetime.
You can find interviews with sports teachers and youth workers, instructional and introductory videos to the subject, a self-paced course for educators on the topic of formal and non-formal education, and most importantly – a handbook for anyone who is interested to start their ETS journey, complete with exercises and explanations.
“It is through the valorisation and implementation of non-formal and informal education strategies that lies the key to the healthy development of learning the values inherent to society.
Sport may be considered one of these educational strategies, contributing to stimulate the learning process, allowing the approach of sensitive themes in a more subtle and indirect way, which motivates young people to become more interested in such themes.”
-Rafael Pinheiro, a professional coach.
You can find the full interview on his experience with non-formal education on