The kick off meeting of the project was held from 28th June to 1st of July in Sofia, Bulgaria. During it all the partners gathered to discuss the project, its management, outputs and deadlines.
The first day was about welcoming and introducing the partners. Then later followed the agenda overview.One of the most important parts was the presentation of the project and expected outcomes because it gives a general overview of the activities and introducees to workstreams. All of the partners were answered their questions and were given the opportunity to present their organization.
During the second day the budget and financing rules were introduced. They were followed by an intro to partners’ roles and more specifically the way they are going to share responsibilities. Important part was deciding on how to plan the activities until the next meeting. The afternoon was busy with a workshop on the outputs, which aimed to clarify the way they are going to be created and carried through the project.This final workday finished with a sum up of the working plan and evaluation. After the official meeting closure we organized a special traditional dinner for our partners with which to say them a proper goodbye.
We are happy that we managed to meet our partners and exchange best practices in the field of sport and put the beginning of this project.