Project: GREW
Number: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP-101090575
Sector: Sport

Duration: 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2024


Aim of the project:

GREW is a project focusing on inclusion and diversity aiming to mitigate ethnic discrimination by encouraging intercultural community development. In due course the project will develop a number of resources based on Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology and intended for youth workers and community leaders to engage youth from different ethnic minorities. By the end of the project, the consortium aims to empower ethnic communities through the organisation of sport tournaments and thus better facilitate their function as an integral part of society. 



  • Research on good practices that meet the needs of (a) trainers and sport educators  and (b) youth and young athletes from ethnic communities.
  • Research and production of GREW Training Format, which will be a collection of educational modules about the use of ETS and a guide for trainers and sport educators. The Training Format will be accessible on the project’s website once it is completed.
  • 5 day training for 4 representatives by each partner that will try out the Training Format and will adapt research to practise for a more useful and beneficial educational resource. 
  • 4 tournaments will be organised by every partner as local activities 
  • Final Handbook containing results from sporting events and the collection of research on good practices and the Training Format. 



  • Regional Volunteer Centre (Poland)
  • MV International (Italy)
  • Mundus Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

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