You(th) Play

Project: You(th) Play
Number: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000085982
Sector: Youth

Duration: 01/09/22 – 29/02/24


Aim of the project:

Through the use of the gamification method, the goal is to educate young people on the importance of being eco-friendly using a game called VIRTUAL PLANET. The aim of the project is to help entities such as NGOs or schools introduce ecological learning into their curriculum, and to make the knowledge more accessible to youth. The game will be available to children as young as 10 years old, which – in a long-term future perspective – will result in a greener, more sustainable future.



  • Creation of principles and content of the game, both offline (a board game version), and online (a digital virtual reality game version)
  • Game testing involving 1000 young people internationally
  • Dissemination events in each of the partner’s country, with the aim of networking and pitching the game to local entities working with Youth.


  • Mundus Bulgaria (BG)
  • Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu w Kielcach (PL)
  • Projects for Europe PFE (BE)
  • Quiztion LTD (BG)
Project's website

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