Number: 2022-2-RO01-KA220-YOU-000096603
Sector: Youth

Duration: 01/04/2023 - 01/08/2025

Aim of the project

Adopting sustainable behavior is a key component to solving climate challenges, especially through collective action in youth communities. By encouraging young people to engage in agriculture in their cities and equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to sustainable development, the FOOD-4-THOUGHT project aims to position youth as "agents of change" in the transformation of food systems and "guardians" of the environment against the climate crisis.

With an interest in agriculture and sustainable (organic) methods of maintaining production, young people will develop skills for responsible consumption and perception of the environment. Their behavior patterns will be in line with the dynamics of nature and support efforts to combat climate change. The project targets youth aged 18-30 who live in urban areas and have little knowledge of agriculture and sustainability.



  • Creating a multidisciplinary partnership of organizations with different experiences
  • Organization and holding of FARMERS IN THE CITY seminars in order to stimulate the knowledge of young people and create a youth network
  • Production of VIDEO LESSONS through partnership with farmers
  • Establishing an EXPERT ADVISORY BOARD by engaging farmers and scientists from all partner countries


Expected results

  • Supporting urban livelihoods after the sharp rise in food prices
  • Unlock the potential of young people in their role as guardians of organic food production and the environment, against the climate crisis
  • Creating interaction between civil society organizations and other stakeholders (local authorities, experts, public institutions)
  • Strengthening transnational cooperation to engage more urban youth in agriculture at EU level



  • MUNDUS BULGARIA - Bulgaria
  • Regional Foundation for Local Development ZAMAH - Croatia
  • Associação Jovens Empreendedores Agrícolas - Portugal
  • Ce.F.A.S Centro di Formazione ed Alta specializzazione - Italy 
  • ConnectingDOTS - Cyprus
  • Geo Club Association - Romania 
Comparative Report in Agriculture
Urban Agriculture Training Pack
Newsletter #1
Newsletter #2

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