SPORT & NFE – A pathway to community development
Erasmus+ SPORT COLLABORATIVE Partnership
Duration: 1/01/2021 – 31/12/2022
Aims of the project:
SPORT & NFE aims to create an empowering environment for building up competences of sport sector figures (sport coaches, trainers, PE teachers) by applying sport methodology. The PE teacher/ sport staff-centered will be enabled to understand the NFE concept and therefore to become more competent and secure while applying the ETS methodology. Non- formal education trainings using sport as a tool for education will be involved. The project will serve to bridge the formal education, NGO and sport sectors, contributing to the creation of long term multi-level cross-sectorial networking and cooperation.
- To build up competences of sport coaches, PE teachers and sport staff to become leaders of ETS and NFE projects,
- To create strategies that promote non formal education and ETS methodologies to boost participation in sports and learning of young people,
- To exchange knowledge and capacity development in the field of education, training and sport sectors, between schools, sport clubs and NGO entities,
- To promote equal opportunities in sports for all
- To provide sport entities and schools with guidance and tools for designing and implementing educational activities using the education through sport (ETS) methodology,
- To create conditions and support the development of cross-sectorial networking on EU level thus set up a space for creation of new ETS practice opportunities and their accessibility for all interested users and target groups.
- A range of best practices of using sport and physical activity as tools for education and a way for achieving social transformations will be shared and exchanged
- Training module on NFE for sport and educational institutions, integrating the ETS Methodology, developed as an interactive Educational Resource to be used by all target groups interested to develop their competences in this field.
- Handbook/toolbox with range of new ETS methods developed by trained practitioners with the help of an experienced team of experts in the field
- An extended international network of professionals able to use the ETS Methodology all around Europe and the world
- Large dissemination campaign including diverse kind of materials in the general promotion of Non formal education and ETS methodological approach across Europe
- A strategic cross - sectorial cooperation between stakeholders in the sport and non profit sectors in Europe
- Enriched activities of partners and associated stakeholders in terms of using sport for educational purposes by acquiring solid expertise in this field
- Quality framework for using ETS methodology in the daily work with target groups at EU level
- Quality educational resources on NFE and ETS aiming to reach a large number of European sport sector professionals and serve the purpose of impact the participating local communities for practicing sport in a positive way
- International strategic collaboration for increasing the recognition of sport as an educational tool for NGO workers
Mundus Bulgaria- Bulgaria
Mine Vaganti NGO- Italy
Asociacia za razvitie na Bulgarskia sport- Bulgaria
Regionalne centrum wolontariatu- Poland
Fundacion red deporte y cooperation- Spain
Associacao desportiva cultural e social de Carvalhais- Portugal
SPin Sport Innovation GMBH & CO KG-Germany